lorem Ipsum cursus congue auctor

Vestibulum egestas tristique fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam dolor nunc, interdum ut orci at, scelerisque iaculis erat. Proin ornare imperdiet ante, et imperdiet risus dapibus quis. Fusce ultricies orci et auctor consectetur. Pellentesque ac nibh maximus, accumsan lorem eu, cursus magna.In congue auctor diam, et facilisis quam malesuada eu. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus eu suscipit. Aliquam dolor nunc, interdum ut orci at, scelerisque iaculis erat. Proin ornare imperdiet ante, et imperdiet risus dapibus quis.


Dialoogmaquette and Urban Design Lab

How can we shift housing and living from consumption to production? This calls for transferring the demands for energy, circular, mobility and logistics into the realm of spatial design


Responsive Public Spaces

How can the application of interactive technology enhance urban public spaces?


From Prevention to Resilience

How do we strengthen the resilience of residents and ecology with neighbourhood-level spatial interventions?


MyStreet project

Which design solutions between housing estates and public spaces contribute to the social task in vulnerable post-war housing estates?


Identical Strangers

Can AI help trace the identical residential buildings in the post-war housing stock?


Sensing Streetcapes

With high-rise buildings, which design solutions create a street space with a human scale at eye level?


Nature-inclusive area development

We want to make our cities ever greener, but what is the best way? That is what Aeres University of Applied Sciences is investigating together with us, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences and Avans University of Applied Sciences.


Building for well-being

How can new construction in extremely high densities also enhance the ‘well-being’ of city dwellers? We investigate this question from the new field of neuroarchitecture and in a consortium of design firms, municipality, corporation, developer and the academic advisory circle of the global pioneers of neuroarchitecture.


Identical Strangers

Kan AI helpen om de identieke woongebouwen in de naoorlogse woningbouwvoorraad te traceren?


Neighbourhood Challengers

How do we make the 15-minute city concrete in vulnerable post-war housing estates: what are the supporting functions, places and routes?
